10 Things Every Home(Owner) Should Have!

If you watch any HGTV shows, you probably already know the 2021 inclusions showcased by celebrity contractors and remodelers.. Things like wood floors, outdoor living spaces, perfect paint colors,, and a spacious kitchen with room to entertain, seem to top the wish list. While all those are popular features – and you’ll find them in new home builds in Crystal Valley — we found a few additional must-haves that have more to do with the business of living than looks!
There’s a Tool for That
The HGTV list is just 15 tools long. It’s a pared down version of the essentials – particularly if you just moved into your own home or have a small toolbox. Check it out so you’ll be prepared for home improvement projects or unexpected emergencies.
According to Mental Floss, however, if you own a house you need 50 tools. Mental Floss is that site where you’ll find answers big questions, lots of amazing facts, quizzes and lists like this one: Tools Every Homeowner Should Have.
Using an infographic from Power Drill Reviews, this list has a few power tools but not as many as you might expect. And while you and I probably have 80 percent of these in our own junk drawer or tool box – there are a few we’re missing, especially in the bottom 20. According to this list, looks like we still need a pick, a volt/OHMmeter and fish tape, also called “the snagger”. (And since we’re weren’t 100 percent sure what that is, we looked it up here).
And if you’re a savvy handyman or DIYer, here’s the essential list from Family Handyman – where you’ll see an entirely different focus and advanced level of power tool fundamentals!
Creature Comforts
Making a house feel like a home is more about creating and experiencing comfort and joy. And while some might focus on meals and mattresses to enhance their at-home well being, others might emphasize things like safety and ambience – focusing on light and art.
What’s important to Architectural Digest experts is a solid mattress, serious storage and greenery that lifts the spirits and the oxygen percentages in your house. Not to mention the décor quotient. Oh, but there’s more when it comes to homebuyer necessities – 27 more things that AD considers essential. Like framed art, timeless server-ware, seasonal bedding and light dimmers. See the list of THEIR must-haves, and links to purchase.
Apartment Therapy compiled multiple must-have lists, from organizational must-haves, important emergency items, furniture, décor, cleaning supplies and kitchen equipment! For example, two things on the emergency list that we hadn’t thought of: a finger splint and a Life Straw. And things that no home chef can live without are a hand mixer and a meat thermometer, say the bloggers. To see what else should be occupying space in your cabinets, click here.
The editors at Eat This Not That! maintain that the most essential groceries every home should stock right now include things like beans, grains, bread, the right kind of dairy and soup broth. Actually, the list is 15 items long and does include chocolate, so we trust them to know what we need!
And From Out in Left Field
Okay, ordinarily we wouldn’t include this, but the title of the tutorial, Something Every House Should Have,” made us look. And while, Mr. Amazing Works has some fun videos to watch and imitate – and this one looks like a 13-year-old might be able to do it – it’s not exactly a must-have. See for yourself by fast forwarding to the end result — a charred wood stand for bowls, pots, pans. But it is a pretty nifty craft!
Must-Haves in Crystal Valley
Residents moved to the master-planned community of Crystal Valley because some of the things on their MUST-HAVE list are here: a community center, pool, dog park, sports fields, open spaces, trails and great neighbors! Come and explore the new homes surrounded by nature only minutes from the town of Castle Rock. Ranch and two-story homes from Richmond American Homes, Kauffman Homes, Century Communities and D.R. Horton, are priced from the $400s.