Hacks for Easier Mornings

There are just over 25,000 mornings in an average life—why not make the most of them? On the other hand, mornings are a set-up for disaster because we not only have to go from asleep to awake, but also be ultra-organized—and do it in coordination with everyone else in the house. Small changes to your morning routine can have huge benefits, and you can make the most of those 25,000 mornings!
Set Your Intention
The website Science of People gives research-backed steps to make improvements in your morning routine. The first step is to decide what you want MORE of in your day. Do you want to be more productive? Happier? Have better health? Once you set your goals, you can choose your routine.
Sometimes it’s easier to figure out what you want by listing what you DON’T want. Do you want to stop hitting the snooze button for a half-hour? Are you trying to spend less time with technology? Do you want to stop skipping breakfast? Put them on the list!
Follow Up with Replacements
For each NOT to-do on the list, come up with a more positive replacement. If you want to ditch looking at tech first thing in the morning, Happier.com says to replace it with five minutes of quality time. Take five minutes to enjoy your cup of coffee instead of putting it in a travel mug and rushing out the door. Read an article in a magazine. Actually TALK with your family!
If that sounds too good to be true, it’s all a matter of allowing for a little bit of time to engage in a simple, mindful activity such as…doing last night’s dishes! The Muse reports that “a recent study found that mindfully cleaning dishes—in other words, staying in the moment while scrubbing away—reduced anxiety and made study subjects feel more inspired.”
Be Prepared
Take a cue from the Boy Scouts and use advance preparation to minimize morning stress! The New York Times suggests starting the morning the night before by prepping lunches and even planning what to wear. If you have kids, think about anything they’ll need for backpacks for school.
If you have children, you’ll want to make a routine that both involves them and that they can adhere to. Blogger Amy Palanjian suggests a making a plan that allows kids to contribute by discussing in advance a rough weekly breakfast menu.
Let Kids Help Make Breakfast in Advance
“In our house, we have oatmeal on Tuesday and Thursday so at least two of the days of the week we all know what’s in store and we all eat the same thing. It sounds like a simple thing, but it has helped to calm our mornings so much ” says Blogger Amy. “Mondays and Wednesdays are eggs, Friday is free choice, and Saturday and Sunday we do more classic brunch foods like pancakes and waffles.”
It’s Always Autumn has breakfast ideas you can make together with your kids on the weekends, then freeze and reheat fast on school days. From Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches with ham, egg and cheese to Healthy Breakfast Cookies (yum!), you can spend some great family time making them and also have time to eat together on school mornings.
When Happiness Is Your Intention
Take a cue from creative geniuses and work some creativity into your morning routine! The Muse offers these suggestions for getting your day off to a joyful start: schedule networking meetings for first thing in the morning to get your creative juices flowing; listen to a podcast while you get ready in the morning; and instead of reaching for your phone, reach for a paper and pencil to jot down whatever is on your mind.
Make It a Great Morning in Crystal Valley!
Whatever your morning routine, you’ll make it the best it can be when you’re in one of the new homes at Crystal Valley. You’ll be impressed with models from Century Communities, D.R. Horton, and Richmond American Homes, and Kauffman Homes. Set in wide open natural surroundings with easy access to nearby amenities, there’s a floor plan to fit every home buyer — in ranch and two-story designs, priced from the $300s.