Learn a New Hobby This Weekend!

Extra time on your hands need not mean excessive sleeping, eating, or screen time—after the first few weeks, that is! What if you came out of this quarantine with a new skill you learned or, better yet, an inspiring new hobby you discovered? Since mid-March, people across America have been discovering and rediscovering hobbies they loved as kids . The benefits of immersing yourself in something besides work and the news are legion – particularly during a time of dizzying unpredictability and uncertainty!
Returning to my much neglected hobby of pen doodling. I don’t yet feel confident enough to call it art. Oh what the heck. My ART hobby for coping with self-quarantining. #COVID19 #coronavirus #quarantinelife #hobbies pic.twitter.com/9OV6RseVc7
— alizasherman (@alizasherman) March 27, 2020
There are lists of hobby suggestions for men, women, and the frugal—but one way of choosing a hobby that’s right for you is by figuring out what your passion is. If it’s fun, worth putting some effort into, and you’re creating something, it may be the hobby for you!
Learn the Art of Calligraphy
Some hobbies require literally no more than a pen and piece of paper! If you have time and patience, why not learn elegant handwriting with the art of calligraphy? You will need to invest in special pens and ink, but then you are ready to go!
Buzzfeed walks you through the entire process, including tutorials, worksheets, and advice. If you want to take your new hobby to the next level, calligraphy.org also offers online classes!
Make Beer at Home
Craft breweries have made the art of enjoying beer a way of life! If you love beer, chances are you might also love MAKING beer! It can be more complicated than you might think, so you might want to start your home-brewing experience with a kit you purchase online. You’ll also need some basic supplies you might have around the house, like a big pot, a large plastic bucket with a lid, and some flexible plastic tubing.
Another option is to take an Online Brewing Class. The brewmaster from WeldWerks Brewing Co. in Greeley will walk you through all the elements that went into their recipe and give you tips on modifying the process to fit your palette.
Get Creative with Cooking!
Sure, there are plenty of online cooking classes and a million online recipes, but what better way to awaken the real Inner Chef in you than by hanging out with Massimo, the chef of the three-Michelin-starred Osteria Francescana, in Modena, Italy?
At the start of the lockdown, Massimo’s family came together in their kitchen to create a nightly production on Instagram called Kitchen Quarantine—“It’s not a master class, it’s not a cooking show, it’s just us, making dinner.” Insider.com explains there’s a knack to figuring out how to participate, but once you do, you’ll never cook the same!
Indulge in a Dream of Magic
Who didn’t want to learn some really cool magic tricks when they were kids? You probably even received one of those magic kits on one birthday or another. Now that you’re all grown up, learning magic can be seriously fun! Think about it: you actually have some hand-eye coordination now!
There are a bunch of YouTube videos that can show you a coin trick or two. But Skill Share offers classes in sleight of hand tricks and card tricks that will have everyone wondering how you did it!
Picture Yourself a Photographer
Just because you take pictures all the time doesn’t mean you’re a photographer. But it could mean that photography might be an amazing hobby for you! If you want to learn how to take photos that really capture what you see, Nikon is running FREE online DSLR classes through the end of April. Even if you don’t have a Nikon, you can get some great pointers from this class.
Another way to boost your photo-skill level is by learning all the ways your iPhone can work for you, from Picture This. For photography basics, regardless of what kind of camera you have, Watch This If You Want to Take Great Photographs!
The Craft of Leather-Making
If someone were to choose the perfect hobby for the state of Colorado, leather-making would have to be at the top of the list! This rugged craft uses the coolest tools EVER and has an endless list of project possibilities, including wallets, belts, coasters and more!
If you want to learn more about this hobby before investing in any supplies, check out these free online classes from Instructables.com that will also help you master the craft once you decide to give it a try!
Learn a New Hobby in Crystal Valley
The master-planned community of Crystal Valley is a great place to hunker down and learn some new skills! Close to everything, but away from it all, there are a variety of beautiful model homes from Kauffman Homes, Richmond American Homes, D.R. Horton, and Century Communities to choose from. With ranch and two-story models available, new homes are priced from the $300s – and viewable through virtual tours online and through video calls!.